Health & Fitness

Why Stigma Around Mental Health Makes No Sense

Many people are not aware of the fact that mental health problems are highly widespread throughout the world.

About 792 million people are affected by some form of mental illness globally, and more than half of them do not have any help in dealing with such problems. The biggest reason for this is that they avoid seeking help due to the stigma and prejudice associated with mental health. 

Unfortunately, this prejudice against people with mental health issues exists everywhere and cannot be rooted out easily. It might also leads to discrimination in both your personal and professional life.

Harmful Effects Of Stigma Around Mental Health

  • Prevents one from seeking treatment or help
  • Feelings of isolation, shame, and hopelessness
  • Limited opportunities for social interaction and employment
  • Self-doubt
  • Harassment, bullying, or physical violence 

Why Does Stigma Around Mental Health Exist?

The stigma around mental health arises from a lack of awareness related to the illness and misinformation on the subject. That is why even if people accept the need for medical treatment in such cases, many still have a negative attitude towards those with such conditions.

The media also plays a role in reinforcing this attitude by portraying inaccurate stereotypes or sensationalizing situations.

Even in countries like Canada, this problem is highly prevalent. Here the options for seeking help are greater, and you can easily find a counsellor in Grimsby and other adjoining areas. But this does not address the cause of stigmatization. 

The Need For Removing Stigma

In modern times where mental health awareness is steadily increasing, stigmatizing those with such problems can undermine the very principles upon which the society has been founded. 

Modern society functions on the principles of equality, rational thought, and compassion, and it has no place for discrimination. In fact, it should be the responsibility of the society as a whole to remove any negative attitudes associated with mental illness. 

Another reason why breaking the stigma around mental illness is crucial is because such attitudes can worsen the problem and have severe effects. In fact, it is a leading cause of suicides among those dealing with depression, anxiety, and the feeling of isolation. 

Eliminating The Stigma Around Mental Illness

Promoting education and awareness are the best ways of reducing and eliminating the stigma associated with mental illness. Helping people understand the cause and nature of the problem and providing them with accurate information can go a long way. 

You can even visit a counselling center to learn about the best ways of dealing with the stigma. There are health camps and workshops that are engaged in spreading awareness as well.


Medical science can help prevent and resolve many problems, but issues like stigmatization must be dealt with carefully. While a counselling center can provide help, the effort of the whole community is the need of the hour.

You can do your own bit by establishing and maintaining personal contact with someone suffering from mental illness. This can help promote awareness and encourage others to adopt a positive attitude towards the problem.

Let’s work together to eliminate this mindset of society!