Health & Fitness

Depression: 7 Signs You’re Coping with Depression the Wrong Way

Depression is a common problem that affects many people. Finding effective ways to deal with it is essential. However, some coping methods can make the situation worse. Here are seven signs wellness counseling experts provide you with the understanding that you’re coping with depression the wrong way, along with tips on improving things. 


Using Alcohol or Drugs

When people feel sad or depressed, they may turn to alcohol or drugs. These substances can provide temporary relief but can cause more problems in the long run. They can make depression symptoms worse, damage relationships, and harm your health. A better option is to seek help from a professional and try healthier ways to cope, such as exercising, meditating, or spending time with friends and family.

Staying Away from Others

Depression can make you want to stay away from people. This can lead to feeling more alone and make your depression worse. Instead, try to stay connected with others. Keep talking to friends and family, even just a text or a phone call. They can provide support and help you feel better.

Eating Too Much or Too Little

Depression can change your appetite, making you eat too much or not eat enough. Both extremes can be wrong for your physical and mental health. Try eating regular meals with a balanced diet to improve mood and energy levels. Include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

Hurting Yourself

Some people hurt themselves when they feel depressed. This is a dangerous way to cope with your feelings. It may provide short-term relief but can cause more harm later on. If you’re struggling with self-harm, talking to a professional is essential. They can help you find better ways to deal with your feelings and address the underlying issues causing your depression.

Sleeping Too Much or Too Little

Depression can affect your sleep patterns, causing you to sleep too much or not enough. Both extremes can make depression worse. To improve your sleep, create a regular bedtime routine. Go to bed at the same time each night, make your room comfortable, and do relaxing activities before bed, like reading or listening to calming music.

Avoiding Responsibility

Depression might hinder one’s ability to think clearly and get things done. You may need to practice problem-solving skills. Despite appearances, this could make matters worse. Instead, attempt to tackle at least one activity daily by breaking it down into manageable chunks. You may be more motivated to work and generally happier as a result.

Ignoring Your Feelings

Ignoring or suppressing your feelings can increase sadness, anger, or frustration. It’s important to recognize and validate your feelings, but you should also find healthy ways to process them. Talk to a mental health professional or journal or engage in creative activities like art or music. These activities can help you express and process your emotions, promoting healing and improving your well-being.


The first step to getting better is recognizing what you’re doing wrong. Reach out to a professional and your friends and family to find better ways to cope with depression. Remember, you don’t have to face depression alone. Asking for help is brave and can lead to lasting improvements in your mental health.